Monday, October 10, 2005

Tried so now I'm tired.

I tried to put up with it, tried to handle it, but all i get is the same old. It's so annoying. I really am trying to make this work, I am. I have two jobs, the world thinks I am crazy to even be attempting this. But I love to be busy, but I hate being taken advantage of. I know the rules of this game, and even if I didn't I would fool you and say I did. I hate it when people take advantage of me like I'm some kind of idiot. I do not need anything that is freely given to me, unless given to me by God. But other wise do not treat like a fool. I am not some slave you bought off the market. I am worth a lot more than that. I create life's most needed leisures. I am not some creature to be ignored and laughed at. I have said before and I'll say it again. I do not need friends a clique to validate me and I do not need friends to strengthen. My family is all I need to get by. I am comfortable being by myself and most of the time I am happy by myself. The vanities of this world are not a necessity in my life. No one pays my bills except for me, when I borrow I have to give it back I do it all on my own. When I work, I work by myself. When I get up in the morning and head off to school or work I do that by myself. I motivate myself to get myself out of bed. So do not act like I need you because in reality you need me that's why you keep calling me back. I may seem cocky and a bit too confident, you may even say that I am full of myself. But that's okay, because I stand as the advocate of what's best, and right now I am the best.


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