Tuesday, July 26, 2005

How Do I Know...?

How do I know that I still love you? I listen to my heart, my mind, and my conscience. I see the way that I act around you. I understand that I am now giving you signals for you to act upon. I act foolishly around because I'm too busy listening to what you have to say to worry about myself. I lose my cool very easily and expect the rest of the world to know that, that is how I normally act. I expect no one to notice how i currently feel, and that somehow you'd uncover my secret all on your own. I understand that I can be irrational, and that your intelligence is no better than mine. I know that we are all just mere humans trying to get loved in this world. We all have our flaws, however I know I love you, when your flaws become your most charming characteristics. I know that I like you when I see the opposite of what the world sees. I know I like you when all I think about is you, and that dreaming of you gives me goosebumps. I know I love you when all I talk about is you. Also whenever I talk of you, all that comes out of my mouth are good things. I know I like when my family is tired of hearing your name from my lips. I know that I like you when all I sing about is how much I like you. When the world is rough, and all I hear is your voice it gives chills and that's how I know I love you.
How do I know I am over you? Easy...my mind is clear from the pain you caused me. My heart no longer beats for you, and I recover from your absences rather quickly. Your voice is no longer appealing to me, I no longer desire to be around you. Your jokes are not that funny anymore. I do not desire your constant attention. In fact all I want is to get away from you. I don't think you are that intelligent. I apologize for any offence made. I begin to realize that you are not worthy of being in my presence. Talking to you becomes an insult to my intelligence. Okay so maybe the last sentence may not be true. I do not dream of kissing you by the beach as the tides come in. I do not think of us as soul mates anymore. I do not believe that you were created to be my knight in shining armor. In fact I don't think you'd even qualify as a knight. Your flaws become apparent. You begin to seem more and more ignorant to me by the minute. I tend to talk to you less and less if I decide to be nice. Entertaining you is the last thing on my mind. I accept that you have moved on, and I even think your girlfriend is nice. Basically I just want to be your friend. I will treat you the same as everyone else, and I even will accept the fact that you may have a crush on my little sister. Who can blame you? You don't know what you are getting into? However if she likes you back I can't blame her either. You're not that bad, now that I think of it. You're ok...you just need guidance half the time.


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