Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Goddess

She is wrapped in gold, with diamonds in her hair. She lives in with the upper class and is satisfied with nothing less. She is exquisitely too beautiful to be seen in the flesh. Her beauty stops the hearts of the mortals, and the touch from her hands softens the roughest hands of a carpenter. She speaks with wisdom, inspires others to achieve their no matter what the cost is. She will go to deepest oceans to seek for the happiness of others, and still her garments will not get wet nor dirty. She admires the children of innocence and looks up to the children of hardship. She does not realize she has become the gem found among the straws, or the perfect pearl the pirates seek at the bottom pit of the sea. She has flies like an eagle and accomplishes the works of her elders. She tackles all challenges and will not take defeat as an option. She is the ultimate icon with the most humility. She seems too perfect to be real according to the human eye. She counts her flaws as any human would. She demands perfection and becomes depressed when excellence is not achieved. She cries in her own little corner, so others will not be sadden by her tears. But once she leaves her corner, she becomes happy again ready to serve others around her. She does not put on a show, despite her insecurities she remains faithful to herself entirely. She worships the one she adores; the ultimate God too great for her. She does her best to listen to the wise, and seeks not the advices of the fool. She remains patient in her every tasks, and makes sure that they are completed. She can be very passionate, and when she does her fury is like a sapphire. It burns the eyes of the other jewels around her. She can be as calm as a pearl, round, soft and meek. She can also wake up a diamond, but that won't be until she finds her prince. Until then she remains the queen of her universe. She was, is and will be loved by all those around her. And beside you already know this goddess. She is the lady beside you in the elevator. When all is calm she will smile and say hello. She is the one in the bus who will lend you her seat just to be sweet. She is the one sometimes that you either forget two seconds after you've seen her. Just because she is not that important to you at first. But then later on you see her and you get that feeling that you've seen before but you can't pin point it. Either that or she the girl you can't get out of your head, for some reason you keep her in your mind for no reason. She only leave you with two symptoms. So next time you see her tell her I said hi, she will appreciate it, and you will have a new friend.


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