Saturday, March 19, 2005

Too Precious

It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, who you hang out with, and what your social status is... you matter to someone out there in this universe. If it's not your father, it's your mother, if neither your siblings; if none of them then your soulmate. Whether or not they live two blocks down the street, or they're on the other side of this world, you matter to someone. Most people say life is too precious to worry about the little things, that's when I think they are wrong. I say people are too precious to worry about the little things.
I envied this girl I know, because she could charm all the guys I liked even the ones I couldn't stand she could attract. Tonight, I saw her distorted, tortured, lost and in anguish. She had just witnessed the effects of drunk driving as she waited for her bus outside her house. A man walking his dog, got ran over by a drunk driver as he was crossing the street, minding his own business. As she stood there, she saw a man and a dog fly off the vehicle, on friday, starry night, and get ran over. The driver trying to not commit murder, but also committing a hit-and-run.
This is life I guess, one dies and another is born. While one dies, unfairly, one is born unjustified, with missing limbs, and a disfunctional brain, or even worse a disfunctional family. We all deserve some rights to being selfish, in my opinion, but people are too important to lose. We keep hurting and hurting, and we never fully express ourselves to one another expecting the other to read our minds. And the results are...nothing but more pain. Nothing gets accomplished, instead we become more and more disfunctional. To the point that society agrees that disregarding religious faith is ok. What in this world can keep me grounded, other than my Christianity huh? Everything else tears me apart, to the point that I can't stand on own two feet anymore.
I tried changing my attitude and doing new things but I can't. Everything is stopping me. I can't fully be free in my mind, because it's wrong, I can't talk, it makes me look weak. I can't rebel because then I am the enemy of the state. What's left for me to do other than drive myself crazy pretending to be someone I am not everywhere that I go. That's all there is to it, I am lost in a tormented whirl of lies. Where no one can listen to a word I am saying. WHAT IS LEFT FOR ME TO DO? Nothing, because people are too precious, to give up on. The greatest gift we possess is our individuality, the only light we can offer to one another.


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