Tuesday, February 22, 2005

What are the Options?

What's the point of dating if I can't find prince charming? What's the difference between the psychological mind of the sk8er and the gangsta, actually in Ottawa they r wangsta, (Look up 50 cent song 'wangsta' for the definition of the word). Seriously, what's the point if in the end, one of us will say, "It's not you it's me" but what we really mean to say "YOU ARE SO BORING!!!". We cry for five minutes then we move on. People are dating without a clue of what they are looking for in a person, then they get jealous whenever someone find the ultimate dream guy. WELL GUESS WHAT, it's not their fault they know what they want. Let's stop overexagerating, shall we? Love is not a complex emotion felt by unknown in the human psyche. Love is a simple, selfless feeling felt by two people. Preferably a man and a woman, but whatever...Love is meant to be felt by all in every single perspective. So let's stop overanalyzing what love is, and let's move on.


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