Monday, July 11, 2005


What is confidence? Is it the attitude that we carry when we see old friends and new enemies? IF that's the case then that hypocrisy to yourself. I think in this world we are so wrapped up trying to find ourselves, that we lose ourselves. Everyone has a distinct individuality, they possess something unlike any other. I'm not talking about that 0.1% in our genome that makes us different. I mean our gifts and/or talents. That spontaneous side of us that catches us off guard if we don't pay attention. I believe that by living like it's meant to be lived you will find yourself and the true friends around you. Personally I can say that a lack of confidence has kept me from being true to myself, and my standards. I am a woman of class, i don't belong in the welfare society, i hav nothing against welfare. But sometimes i need to re-evaluate my standards, actually a lot of the time. I now know that what is within me can not be shaken off, mostly because i don't want to lose my individuality, or maybe my childhood. I like to pretend what i want to be in the future. I like to think, act, talk and walk like i am better than what i currently, coz dat's what i want to be. then again a friend told me i need to be satisfied being alone, being me and no one else. In other words to thine own self be true, as shakespeare once said. Basically, lack of confidence or self-trust can seem as a lack of identity and where we fit in this world. Even when our place has been handed down to us on a silver platter for unknown reasons. I know where I belong, I know who I am but now I wish that I would be confident in my works that I would not disappoint the creator, the master of my destiny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the way you put thoughts to words. Nice blog.


7:32 PM  

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