Sunday, July 17, 2005

Everything has a Things With a String Attached

Every action that we make has a chain reaction in our lives and those around us. Because of social status I can either help or break someone's chance of success in this lifetime. We live in a world where we must work together to allow the unfortunate to succeed. However this is not often possible because what I want isn't always what you want. We all want to be looked at, and be recognize for our good deeds. We don't desire the spotlight everyday of our lives or else we wouldn't be accomplishing these lifetime achievement that can impact oh so many lives. What works for me may not always be what works for you. We always want to do the right thing, but sometime the right thing is to be a little selfish. And here lies the question, how much selfishness can one possess before becoming a self-absorbed monster? The fact remains that just because we give a little does not mean that we help a little. Sometimes a simple lie can destroy a generation in a family, and future generation will hence be affected. If we do not obey our parents, and instead we listen to our hearts concerning a loved one, that could cause the eternal happiness between two people. Just because we are humans does not mean that we are all created the same. We have different temperament, we snap at different times. We allow ourselves to mature at different times for various reason. While the self-absorbed teen is continuously working on a plan to save the world, the world perishes as more time is lost. It is true that we can all make a difference in this world, whether for good or bad is our choice. However, let's not forget that we can also leave a mark for our children to follow, whether good or bad it will still impact the world.


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