Thursday, September 01, 2005

A letter to My Mother...

Dear Mother,

You may never get to read this, and that is because I'd rather show you what I feel instead of telling you how I feel. You know me better than I know myself. You have given me some of the answers to life's toughest questions. You allowed me to grow and to become the lady sitting at this computer. You took a pile of mud that no one saw and turned it into the most valuable jar at the market. Yet you still boast through your modesty, of how you did not accomplish your best, when your best is right in front of you. You are the reason why I can say I love you. You are my need through the good times and the bad. You have the love and patience of an angel, and your touch is all I need to cool down a heated fever. You are all I need in my life. I thank you and I love you with all I own.

Your daughter.


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