Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Charisma is a gift or is it?

Are people just born nice, or is it an acquired trait? Do they go to charisma school and learn to fit in? I mean it's like you can meet the gorgeous man ever and the most "intellectual" conversation you had was about whether or not Tupac Shakur truly is dead. Whereas another man can come along, not have the greatest physical features but the confidence is so high and humility is off the chart that you can not help but fall in love with them. What is that all about? Has the world gone mad? I know and understand that it's not about the looks, that I do get, but it seems that lately my female friends either have a boyfriend or do not, understandibly. However those without the boyfriend will start hating on every guy they have seen, they talk as if each and every guy they is not fine enough to be seen around with them. However when they do see a guy who's looks is 5.5 on a scale from 1 to 10, they seem to go crazy. Especially if they end up dating, they go around acting like the guy would win any beauty contest thrown at them, when the world knows that the guy still a whole lot of plastic surgery before he can even be classified not-so-ugly. I am not trying to be mean nor be cynical, but some of us ladies need to calm down. If your man ain't that good looking let it go. If it's his sense of humor that sweeped you off your feet then show that off, but do not talk about how fine he is when he truly is not. I understand that God did not create any ugly person, but there are those who are exceptionally fine, and to those fine-looking fellows be a man, and do not be over-confident, that is why the ugly guys get your girlfriends. Gentlemen please remain gentlemen. Ask a girl out, do not let her ask you out, then you just lost your manhood with that girl. It's like they say if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Are there any hope for beautiful girls in this world, it seems as if the world has flipped up upside-down. So is charisma a gift? Or is it all an act to get the girl? If you have charisma should you not be able to keep that charisma wherever you go? So fellows stay smooth, charismatic adn confident. IF you are a player please play the game according to the rules.


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