Sunday, October 23, 2005


It's crazy how the person who can explain the best is the one you fear the most. Today my sunday school class was about to talk about the rapture and next thing you know we're talking about marriage. Being raised in a single parent family does not provide me with the necessary tools to meet a man without scaring him away. Especially with my nature, for I am the type of girl who will tell it like it is, of course being mindful of other people's most of the time. I am confident with what I know, but when you don't know then you can't do anything. Of course at this point in time I just shut down to prevent myself from getting hurt. I had certain beliefs of how love was supposed to be like and while everyone keeps saying that it is not how it is no one really told me how it was supposed to be like. My mother never had another healthy when it came relationship. She never could keep a man, I'm not saying she was a bad girlfriend it's just that she never really taught nor showed what love was supposed to look like. So I ceased seeking for her counsel. It's not like she could tell me how to love for I don't think she knew how to love. Her parents never really had a relationship despite the fact that they are still married. It's weird. So my Pastor decides to teach sunday school and for the first time concerning marriage I actually understand the concept of true love. Married couple are supposed to love one another whether or not the infatuation still lives. One must be able to love and think straight; also once in love, your love should not diminish but establish a new found as you discover life together. I understood the concept of dating. However it is true dating one-on-one is not a good way to get to know someone, unless you want to know the phony side. Also you want a friend to be your life-long mate not some stranger you're in and out love with. With all of this I feel that maybe my priorities when it comes to picking a man needs a change. Based on myself I know what I need to survive. Maybe he won't be good-looking and he maybe have a few flaws but I do know that God will not send someone that will totally throw me off.


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