Monday, September 11, 2006

More than a month

It's been more than a month since I last wrote in. I've been thinking awhile trying to figure it out. Then I realized that I couldn't figure it out. Or maybe I had an epiphamy. I don't know. At the beginning of August, I made some changes in my life. As my mother announced that we were going on vacation. I saw it as an oportunity to start something new. In finding myself I needed to try other things. I needed to truly take control of my destiny. My life is a car and I need to be the driver. I can stay miserable in Mietta, stay comfortable in my honda or start driving a Rollers-Royce. I'm the driver it's all up to me. So knowing that I was uncomfortable in my current state I knew then that I had to upgrade my life. I quit my job for one that pays better, I worked out a schedule for school that I enjoyed(actually God did it's all good), I took two music courses and one spanish and I took a temporary leave from the church choir. I knew I had to get away I had become to attached and with that came a family, which I am very grateful for, but then again I was spending so much time with them that I lost touch of my reality. I also needed to get my grades and spend time with people my own age. I am blessed. I feel so good about me. My past, my present and my future. I feel so good. I just got a new cell phone and am planning on getting a laptop. For once things are finally starting to go my way. If someone had told me 6 months ago things would go my way I probably would not have believed them. For all of you reading this, I am a witness that a person can have their cake and eat it too, no matter how old you are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, gosh, it seems that I'm the only person who cares enough to trow words on the web. I randomly found you, and your past blogging caught me. Sorry for not checking earlier, but the slow track is counter inducive to quick posts... As a random stranger It's good to know you're doing better, and don't spend your life whining into a blog. I admire your strength, and your faith. I'd like to chat with you more, if that's possible. as you seem to represent a bit of me that has no room to grow where i am at the moment. If you want I can be found at I really hope you can find what you need locally. I am willing to be that male friend that exists virtually, who happens to be named Devon.

11:04 PM  

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