Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sex as a Christian

Many people if you're in the church sex is not a subject that comes up often. In fact I don't it comes up at all. If you're a girl like me, that should you're a virgin, never been kissed, never even had a boyfriend and no you're not a lesbian. You choose to be that way. However one that always ends up getting into your mind no matter how holy you think you are is sex. Is it taboo? Yes. Should it be? No. The fact is we are all going to experience it if you haven't already. Most people enjoying it. I don't know I'm still a virgin. I have been into an intense discussion on sex within the marriage and I can tell you that by the end I felt sick to my stomach. But you see that's a problem on my part. If I want to be married and have kids I shouldn't be sickened by sex. Considering that after with love comes sex. I don't understand the need for it. In fact, I can not imagine myself needing to have sex. It will happen someday I know. But there all these factors that go along with it. Such as, how often, how to do it, when to do it, what is acceptable. A lot of us now dealing with whether oral sex or anal sex is considered real sex. I consider any sexual action sex but all of these terminologies are so hard to understand. This is so confusing. What is sex really? Is their really a terminology to it. Is it really when the penis enters the vagina. Does it have to include an orgasm to be considered sex? Like seriously. Why is it that all parents want to ever talk about is how to say no, but when we need to know how to do it they don't tell us. Anybody can say, but not all of us want to. When do we really talk about it. I don't want to find out everything on my honeymoon. Now would be appropriate. So what really goes on with sex. As a christian most church condition us young ones to treat sex as a "really bad thing". Sad, because maybe most of them use sex to keep their marriages alive. Another thing why don't they tell us all good the thing that sex is good for? In the marriage of course. At the day I just want to know so that I don't throw up at the sight of my husband's penis. I don't want him to faint once he sees me naked. So I guess this is where talking really does take effect, what are the expections from both parties? What should be the expections? Big or small? Does it really matter? Does it hurt the first time, really? You can learn so much from hollywood but most of it is fake anyhow, unless you're watching porn, which you shouldn't be doing. I just want to know.


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