Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Woman-Man=1/2 woman?

I don't know if anybody else has felt this, well I know they have, but there is this feeling that I can't seem to escape for some reason. I will definitely hide it and wear a facade to cover it up but at the end of the day it's still there. Many people want to raise up strong independent female. I must admit that my mom succeeded at that. I can honestly say that there is no doubt in my mind that I can take care of mself financially, scholastically and materialisticly. I am confident (most of the time). I'm happy(most of the time) but I am content with my life so far. I still believe that there is more for me to do. But in the meantime I still wonder what life would be like with all the what ifs in my life. Let me just get straight to the point. There is a part of me that wishes I was a geisha. Where with only one look I could stop a man in his tracks no questions asked. I wish that I could get a man to look at me without saying a word. I wish I could attract the guys I actually would want to date. Not the ones that I end up rejecting because I just don't like them that way. I don't know at times I feel like I'm not fully a woman just because I know that there is not a man who is attracted to me. Many women feel that way. To cover it up they say things like 'I can get a man, I just don't want one,' or 'I don't need a man to validate me.' Truth of the matter is in my case I need a man to tell me that I'm beautiful once in a while. It boosts me up in a way that if a woman said that I probably would not believe her.


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