Monday, February 28, 2005

I'll be Waiting...

I can't wait
Until I meet you face to face
There'll be no more crying
No more lying, no more dying
Then it'll be just us
By then I'll be ready
Until then, I'll be waiting
At the table

This world has brought me down
Beaten me, and robbed me down
My strength has failed me yet
All that's left is the Great I am
So when You're ready
To fight my battles
I'll be waiting
At the table

Jehovah, I give you praise
For that you are worthy
I cannot blame you for my foolishness
My self-sought war in me
Cause now I'm sober
Searching for your presence
I'll be waiting
At the table

Jesus, you are my sovereign
Strength, you are the Rock
I am so lost right now
Confused without a clue
So when you are ready
Ready to rescue me
I'll be waiting
At the table

To all my friends, I love
The ones that I adore
I've said some things I shouldn't have
Learned a lot, soon as I lost you all
Lord please forgive me, let them forgive me
Because I'll be waiting
At the table

I don't know what's left for me
Because I've seen so much
I've felt more than I could bear
Rejected with no one to care
So when you are ready
Ready to give me mine
Then I'll be waiting
At the table

Friday, February 25, 2005

If u hav a question ask

Why do we stutter, for some of the simpler questions? Or, why do search for the most complex answer when the answer is so simple? Why are the simplest answers the hardest ones? So many questions so little brain cells!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


This is to all my big bois, and to all my dawgs out there...Stop freestyling wit ya girls!!!!! I love guys and they have a lot of emotions, but y'all don't know how to treat a girl anymore, to the point that y'all scrambling to find out how to keep her around. All them fellas need to do is take of business,(not the sexual way!!!) and keep your lady happy. Now I know that could become Mission Impossible for some of you, but it's not that hard.
Don't think ladies, that you need to pampered day and night. Just because a brotha is your man don't mean he's your slave. In fact, some of you ladies need to understand what a brotha go through, sometimes. Just because he's with you don't mean you all that. Besides what's the point of having a man if you can't keep one? If you have any comments let me hear them.

What are the Options?

What's the point of dating if I can't find prince charming? What's the difference between the psychological mind of the sk8er and the gangsta, actually in Ottawa they r wangsta, (Look up 50 cent song 'wangsta' for the definition of the word). Seriously, what's the point if in the end, one of us will say, "It's not you it's me" but what we really mean to say "YOU ARE SO BORING!!!". We cry for five minutes then we move on. People are dating without a clue of what they are looking for in a person, then they get jealous whenever someone find the ultimate dream guy. WELL GUESS WHAT, it's not their fault they know what they want. Let's stop overexagerating, shall we? Love is not a complex emotion felt by unknown in the human psyche. Love is a simple, selfless feeling felt by two people. Preferably a man and a woman, but whatever...Love is meant to be felt by all in every single perspective. So let's stop overanalyzing what love is, and let's move on.

Monday, February 21, 2005


I neva could understand me around guys. It's not like i don't kno them. I even made them my guinea pig at one point(i was trying to find out what guys think). But it doesn't change anything. I like this one guy but when i ignore him, he becomes my friend and i'm all of a sudden part of his universe. Once i give him too much attention, I'm excluded, rejected like trash under his foot. What's up wit that? I don't get it if u like me tell me, i won't hurt u. Also there's that girl he's always with, and it ticks me off. Not only does he spends way too much time with her, but he does it when i'm watching, and if I wasn't there then he comes and talks about it so loud that i can't help but overhear. I do comprehend why it is that guys will, go out of their way to make sure a girl likes him. But there is no need to make her jealous. If u kno the truth, then handle it, but don't make me jealous.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Boys 2 Men

Unbelievable, how men nowadays are so weak. Nobody wants to chase, they just want to get laid. I have never dated yet, but I learn as I watch. I hate what I'm seeing. It's all about the sex, not the love. Ugly girls are dating cute guys thinking they got it going on making us pretty girls feel like dirt. So what, you a fine brotha looking for love, but take pride in your catch, ask a pretty, decent, and intelligent girl out. So what, I might say no, but it makes me feel better. Then again, the ugly girl will never say no to a date, because she can't get a man to begin with. But fellas, don't brag about your girl as if she had a booty like J. Lo, when the folks in your neighborhood, know she ain't got nothing to work with. And ugly girls, if you got a man be happy and keep your man. If you ugly and you got a man, don't chase him away. Keep him, because he's only going to ditch for an uglier girl.