Friday, February 08, 2008

Want vs. Need

I know what I want, and I'm pretty sure I know what I need. But why is it, that when I want what I need, I can't get it. But when I need what I want I can't find it. However, when I know that I no longer need it, and I know that I don't want it, it comes to me. Like a dog who lost it's way, and only found his way through the scent he picked up. It makes no sense, how being single and Christian can sometimes be a hardship. Honestly, and I know that I am not alone. Everyone wants to be loved, but at what cost. Being in a relationship, requires a lost of privacy. I am no longer my own, and must share every part of me to him. I must become vulnerable and transparent. My world is no longer my own. My hopes and dreams are now shared with this person. What could be just a temp could become a permanent adjustment into my life. Am I really ready for all of that? Using people as an object is an act I couldn't bring myself to bear. For one, I'd be lying to myself, unable to face this person as everything now becomes awkward. For we all have emotions that we try at times to bury but for some reason won't stay dead. Those emotions are alive and sober as a lioness on the hunt. Which makes everything so much worst. We want to forget and we want to live on. It's the drug we use to make ourselves fall asleep at night. Because deep down, we know what we want and we know what we need. But what happens when what you need is a shot of cod liver oil and what we desperately want is a Mars bar?


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