Thursday, March 29, 2007


Today is the first day of the Rise Up phenomenon that is sweeping the city of Ottawa Ontario, the nation's capital. If you didn't know now you know. We will be hosting the one and only Dalon Collins. He's from Kirk Franklin and the Family. The concert that will take Ottawa by storm is happening on Saturday, March 31 at the Bronson Center at 7 pm.
It's crazy, because the Greater Ottawa Mass Choir will be singing along with him. And one of the song that we will be ministering is a song I always wanted to sing but never got a chance to. So I consider it a blessing that we are able to gather together and minister to host him in our city.
But just every Godly event, there's always the last minute details that seems to take precedence over all. We want a good turn out, but like always there are the maybes. The maybes always come when you know the city knows about you but you're not too sure. Especially you have your own stuff to work through. But God is faithful.
If you want to know more about this event please visit or call (613) 820-5558. It'd be a shame for you to miss it.


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