Monday, June 18, 2007

When I Fall in Love

I will walk on a cloud,
enchanted by his gaze,
underestimating his weakness,
overexaggerating my strength,
but one thing I will realize
Is how deep the well of love truly is

He will smile with joy
Wear his confidence like an armor
Embodied with the air
Destined to be the alpha male
The dominant male in my life

Every touch is a caress
Every gaze is a search
He seeks my soul not knowing
He's already found it
He tries to find my heart not knowing
I gave it to him a long time ago

He will hand over his life story to me
He and I can speak without saying a word
Somehow the prince shows, though I almost missed him
I am Cinderella without the ugly stepsister
The shoe fits and so I must wear it

When I fall in love
He will be in love
I for him
He for me
In full unity
When I fall in love


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