Saturday, April 28, 2007

Divine Sculpture

Made from thought
inspired from the heart
Every curve
driven by your eyes with speed and anticipation
Stopped abruptly as you enter my inner being
You believe it to be a valley
The overcast foreshadow a storm ahead
But you can soon see the sun up ahead
See the rainbow
Believe the journey
My eyes foretells
The imminence of your innocence
The youth in your blood
Sliced open with perfection
The rose has blossomed
The fireworks have sparked
Shaped into a sculpture
A divine sculpture

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Finished with Confusion

It's crazy, because one day I think I know what I want and I pretty confident with where I am. I am satisfied with where things are at, but truly am not completely happy. I blame the mass media and my peers, mostly my family just because it's much easier to deal with. I see a fine man walking down the street, and I'm afraid to even admit to myself that he's sexually attractive. I can only do that in my head. Then again where I live it's not easy to find someone that is sexually attractive. The ones that I was once attracted to, I had to flee from. But I made up my mind that I will stop living in a lie. Lying to the point that I believe the lie confuses me. That's why I stay up thinking of the what will instead of the what is. I made up my mind a while that I did not want a certain person in my life, when truly I did. Earlier on, I wished that we could have been romantically involved, but it is no longer the case. I just wanted a relationship with that person. I wanted something more from that person but quickly realized that he did not want the same thing. The fact that I was being ignored everytime, kind of was the hint, and the fact that he had a girlfriend pretty much crushed my self-confidence. Ever since then I've been living in denial. I'm not going to lie anymore. I no longer can lie to myself. I'm more and more confused. It's just that I don't want to get hurt. I'm so busy, trying to live with myself, and becoming the woman I've always wanted to be, that I couldn't realize that the Ideal Woman and I are two different people. Right now, all I want is a friendship from this person, and that is the truth from the bottom of my heart. If the opportunity came up for us to become more than friends...? I don't know, I'd reject it. Because I know that deep down I'm not ready, but though I want it so bad, I can be focused.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Slowly and Deadly

Like a flower in the wilderness, she withers in the sun. Appealing as she may look and there's a vile poison in her lips. She caresses her every curve that hits a nerve in your spine. It tingles with joy as your adrenaline rushes so. Even with her voice is a charismatic plea for mercy. As every ounce of blood in your body excites itself to your brain. Unconscious of your words, yet nervous to her touch. You surrender without hesitation. For she has taken your every thought, your every word, your every sense. Manipulation has its way and has become your drug. You can't sleep, eat nor breathe without her touch. Lost in her world left to be translated. Lost in your mind, you forgot even existed. She turns sin into righteousness, and pleasure into pain. Never to be left the same again, brainwashed with confusion. Lost in darkness you find the light. Pick up your stuff and you're ready for tomorrow. You leave and she continues. Slowly and deadly....