Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Losing Touch

Most of the time this term is used to describe that you are not as fast as you should be and that's ok. Problem is we live in a society that puts a time on everything we do, because time is money. A kid should learn how to read in the first grade, a woman should be married in her twenties, a man should have it all by the time he reaches his forties, and you should die in your 80's etc. But what about the rest who are abnormal, which would constitute for the majority of us in this world. It is really just simply impossible to live up to these expectations. WE put out rules in which we should abide to just because it is socially acceptable. I can't grow up instantaneously just because someone else told me to. If I don't have the tools to survive in this new level of life I am most certainly doomed for failure. Of course, that is why sometimes God has to sit us still. That is why we are not all blessed the same. Different blessing come at different times, in different quantities to meet our needs and of course most times He does it out of grace and mercy. I just witnessed the engagement of two of my friends. I was so happy, but then I got sad, because I realized just then that they had truly grown up. They had become adults. You can't get more adult than living with someone and having to manage the rest of your lives as one. I realized that my advices would not really help her, because she was now involved in a contract that is completely. I don't want to feel helpless, but in actuality I guess I was never really much help. I can deal with basic relationship, because I have seen the atrocities of a damaging relationship, so most of my answers were basic. But for marriage, I have no experience in that. And that scares me the most I think. The truth is, I don't know if I'll have anything good to say in terms of good counsel, in other words, I don't know how useful I'll be in my friend's future, and that's scares me the most.