Sunday, November 26, 2006


I hate doing homework. This probably means that I should stop messing around during the week and get some work done. I did once but believe when I say there isn't enough time during the day to get work done. THere are so many things that I want to do. So many that I am doing right now. I mean I'm young and I only live once right. Why do I have so many thing s to take care of? I liked it better when I took care of me myself and i .

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Something wrong

Something's wrong with me
Maybe it's a lie I want to believe
Since it has been the case
For a while now I forgot the feeling of happiness
We take the little things for granted
We forget where responsibilities lie
We speak few words only to be sucked back
Into the trap we first fell into

So what is the truth?
A misunderstanding between the flesh and the soul
A power struggle of who gets complete control
I need a comforter
Someone I can trust to ease my pain
Wait I know of one
I have a friend who's definitely that
But where is He when I need
I cried out and I know He heard me

He must've comforted me when I pushed Him away
So now I walk blindly
Knowing He's there, but thinking something else
Blindly mislead
I know there is something wrong